Saturday, December 14, 2013

Perfect Fit

This is 'Friendship Star Chain', a mini mosaic made by Paula Doyle, Pam Thompson, & Venetta Morger, ( aka 2 Brits and a Blonde).   I was the lucky winner of this amazing little quilt!!!   I believe it was meant to be, because it makes a perfect cover for my new Deluxe Scrabble game... another passion of mine.


  1. such a cute quilt-lucky ducky and a well deserved win!

  2. Lovely and how sweet when a welcome gift fits something we have and love already. Congrats and enjoy the many hours of Scrabble, one of the only games I still play, looking at it on the nearby table-awaiting further usefulness when you finish.

  3. Oh wow! Nice win, it really is a sweet little quilt.

    Are you getting snow tonight?

    Happy Sewing

  4. so cute! I bought myself a "vintage" Scrabble set for Christmas.. I'll probably wrap it and say it's from the boys, but I'm very excited to get to play again, it's been too long~

  5. I'll bet it looks perfect in your home with your other quilts. Lucky girl!


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