Woke up this morning to the sound of rain on the roof. Rats! I was planning to spend the day outdoors with my flowers. Never mind. Instead I will sew the binding on our Metro Mod group quilt. Just looking at this sunny quilt makes my day!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Smile, Cindy!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
My Weeping Cherry and Forsythia are lighting up my backyard today. I will be getting out my old push mower and will enjoy the scent of new mown grass later today. I even like the wild onion fragrance that comes every spring. After the brutal winter we had, this year I am extra grateful for these gifts of Nature.
Also grateful to my friend Sherry, who shared these photos of her floral appliqued quilts. She does exquisite work and wins many prizes. She also takes the prize for being the Life-of-the Party. I have a photo of her wearing a lobster hat in Lancaster to prove it!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Linda's quilt

Linda sewed her label on yesterday and couldn't be happier. She made this for her son and future daughter-in-law. They are one lucky couple! She'll be moving to the west coast soon, and we will miss her at our quilt gatherings. Our loss...Seattle's gain. Know that we will stay connected online, however, and she may even send us a block or two when she's settled.
Happy quilting, dear friends, wherever you are!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Signature quilt
Today I am making a signature block for Victoria. Am reminded of my quilt group in Florida, but I also have a quilt to help me remember those good old quilt friends. We each made 2 blocks for each other in the design of our choice. I chose a favorite of mine, stamp basket, and asked each one to do it in their favorite colors and sign them. I have a lovely queen size quilt to keep as an autograph album. The quilt is over 20 years old, and I expect most of those friends are gone by now. But I can keep a part of them forever. I get so sentimental over quilts sometimes!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My Way
What I love about quilting most is the individual expression. Even identical twins have their own creations. Roberta Horton and Mary Mashuta are a perfect example. They brought their class act and some of their quilts to the Empire Guild today. They share a house, but not their workrooms. They work on the same themes, but the results are entirely different. Below are just a few examples of their work. One of their quotes..."It's not what you look at, it's what you see"

I would like to live in their house, wouldn't you?
And speaking of houses, I was the lucky winner of the Block-of-the-Month raffle. Each house was individually designed and executed. Here is one of the houses made by Maxine Townsend-Broderick. That cute little dormer won my heart.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Black & White & Red

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Heard that Yo-yos are "in" now. Never made one before, so I had to try them. They make a perfect center for my flowers....covering the center where a zillion seams come together.
Hope it's spring wherever you are.....in the Northern Hemisphere, of course. Aussies are having autumn now....which has more of my favorite colors.
Friday, April 1, 2011
April Fool
I feel like such a fool today. Was so muddled by the details of the contest, that I decided to withdraw. But Quilting Gallery did not give up on me, so......V-String is back in the race ! ! ! You can vote and have a chance at winning some fabric at quiltinggallery.com ......no fooling.
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