Tuesday, April 19, 2011


My Weeping Cherry and Forsythia are lighting up my backyard today. I will be getting out my old push mower and will enjoy the scent of new mown grass later today. I even like the wild onion fragrance that comes every spring. After the brutal winter we had, this year I am extra grateful for these gifts of Nature.

Also grateful to my friend Sherry, who shared these photos of her floral appliqued quilts. She does exquisite work and wins many prizes. She also takes the prize for being the Life-of-the Party. I have a photo of her wearing a lobster hat in Lancaster to prove it!


  1. What beautiful spring inspirations. Almost makes me want to make a pink, yellow and green quilt.

  2. I am envious of your blooms. So far, not much here. Has been too wet and gloomy and windy. I like the wild onion smell, just now in my flower beds. Bonnie


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